

На сегодняшний день рынок телекоммуникационных услуг является наиболее динамично развивающимся в мире, но в России этот рынок к 2018 году замедляет темпы роста (прогноз аналитического агентства iKS-Consulting) по причине ужесточения конкуренции, удешевления и перенасыщения услугами мобильной связи, которые сейчас составляют порядка 180%.

С учетом современных тенденций формирования информационного пространства, сегодня привычнее говорить о сфере информационных коммуникаций, включающих, помимо операторов связи, также предприятия медиа-бизнеса. Информационные технологии включают в себя предоставление услуг, разработку программного обеспечения, производство и продажу ИТ-оборудования.

Инфраструктура средств связи — необходимая составляющая эффективно работающей экономики. Особенностью российской отрасли телекоммуникаций является то, что формально основным собственником всех крупных компаний фиксированной связи является государство, благодаря чему эта отрасль является наиболее регулируемой со стороны государственных органов (лицензирование, государственная тарифная политика, требования участия компаний в национальных программах социального характера и пр.). Аналогичная ситуация и с медиа-рынком в России — очень большое влияние государства, как формальное, посредством многочисленных нормативных правил в данной сфере, так и неформальное, посредством прямо или опосредованно принадлежащих государству медиа активов, а также посредством воздействия на негосударственные СМИ.

Наши специалисты, давно и эффективно работающие с компаниями отрасли, готовы оказать профессиональную поддержку по следующим ключевым направлениям:

  • Консультирование по вопросам специфики деятельности телекоммуникационных компаний
  • Оценка рыночной и справедливой стоимости компаний, сетей и пр.
  • Регламентная отчетность в области связи
  • Налогообложение телекоммуникационных компаний
  • Комплексное сопровождение бухгалтерского и налогового учета телекоммуникационных компаний
  • Аудит компаний по РСБУ, аудит консолидированной отчетности
Key Experts

Alexander Malkov

Audit and related services
Profile email

Dmitry Sherstobitov

Practice Supervisor
Legal services
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Elena Dmitrieva

Practice Supervisor
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Olga Lidogoster

Accounting services
Profile email
Among our clients are 50 plus companies active in telecommunication, mass media and IT
Among our clients are TOP-4 players in telecommunication market present in all main segments of the telecommunication industry (2nd and 4th position by sales volume)
75 000
We provide services to the Russian subsidiary of an international company - owner of the largest network of trunk channels for data communication - 75,000 km
Our mass media clients are among TOP-10 largest players in the Russian mass-media market
10 топ
Our clients are among TOP-100 largest fixed-line telephony providers of Moscow region – the largest telecommunication market of Russia
Business cases
High degree of specification of accounting data on the basis of a unique software configuration developed for corporate accounting of a Branch office of a foreign company - a leader in the global market for collecting, processing and analysis of energy market data
High degree of specification of accounting data on the basis of a unique software configuration developed for corporate accounting of a Branch office of a foreign company - a leader in the global market for collecting, processing and analysis of energy market data


Client is a global market leader in the sphere of information sources and solutions for strategic and tactical business objectives, specializing in collection, processing and analysis of energy market data.

Issues to resolve

  • Day-to-day support of the Russian Branch's accounting, calculation of taxes and filing tax returns, timely settlements with counteragents and employees 
  • High labor intensity of issuing sales documents
  • Regular malfunctions during the process of preparing consolidating financial statements
  • In the view of constant expansion of the Branch's activity in Russia, the financial service of the Client had to tune up the Branch's accounting in accordance with requirements of the corporate financial and tax accounting system

Proposed solutions

  • A structure of agreements with companies of the Group was developed with account of specifics of the Branch's taxation
  • A process of collaboration with the Client's financial service was set up for the purposes of receiving up-to-date and correct data on the Branch's activity 
  • A system of day-to-day management of the Branch's bank accounts was built for the purposes of settlements with counteragents and employees
  • A unique accounting software configuration was created on the basis of 1C program
  • Accounting system of the Branch was tuned up and aligned with the corporate accounting system in order to upload its data into the corporate system in accordance with the Group's monthly closing schedule 

Deliverables for the Client

  • Data confidentiality
  • Calculation of taxes of the foreign organization's Branch in accordance with the RF legislation and timely payment of taxes accrued 
  • Up-to-date financial information on the Branch's activity
  • High level of accounting data detailing 
  • Less time spent on month-end closing 
  • First-line support during preparation of monthly reports
Provision of financial information, calculation of taxes, representing the client in dealings with tax bodies
Provision of financial information, calculation of taxes, representing the client in dealings with tax bodies


Client is a leading supplier of global communication solutions, providing services to transnational corporations, government agencies and local companies.


  • Maintaining accounting of the Russian company of the group, calculation of taxes and filing tax returns and financial statements
  • Support for specific accounting processes
  • Setting up document turnover procedure
  • Cash flow management in accordance with corporate policies 
  • Tuning up day-to-day accounting of the Russian company in accordance with global taxation policy of the Group
  • Consolidation of accounting data received from an external service provider

Proposed solutions

  • A procedure was developed for document turnover between Moscow office, including documents for buyers
  • Regulations were tuned up to ensure that data for general and tax accounting were provided  in accordance with the group policies
  • A system was built for day-to-day management of bank accounts of the Moscow office for the purposes of settlements with counteragents in accordance with the group policies
  • Tax calculation process was synchronized in accordance with the RF legislation and corporate reporting schedule of the group. A process was developed for timely approval of tax calculations

Deliverables for the Client

  • Reliable financial information on company activity confirmed by auditors
  • Data confidentiality
  • Tax calculation for the Russian company of the group in accordance with the RF legislation and timely tax payments to the budget. 
  • Representation of the company in dealings with tax bodies (IFTS, registering bodies)
Calculation of fair market fee for the use of transport infrastructure for installation of telecommunication equipment
Calculation of fair market fee for the use of transport infrastructure for installation of telecommunication equipment

One of the largest telecommunications companies in Moscow, which provides onboard internet access services for public transportation engaged our company to calculate fair market fee for the use of transport infrastructure to install telecommunication equipment. Our specialists performed the task successfully and the client has been using our company since for various valuation needs. Our deliverables were used in negotiation process to determine fair rent value.

Our Services

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