

Russian agriculture and food industry is currently undergoing a period of increased pressure and new challenges. A vigorous import-substitution trend along with government subsidies open numerous new opportunities for businesses. New opportunities, in their own turn, are associated with new risks.

Agriculture is the key element of the agro-industrial complex of Russia. It is one of the few branches of the real sector of economy, which show sustainable growth even during economic crisis. It is exactly those crisis phenomena accompanied by RUR depreciation that contribute to the growth of agricultural production volume. This, in the first place, is due to the fact that depreciation of national currency entails growth in the cost of imported products and boosts import-substitution trend. An additional driver for agricultural development was provided by the introduction of retaliatory sanctions, i.e. ban on import to Russia of certain food products.

Companies active in the food industry have many new opportunities too, which are often associated with new risks. Legislative and macroeconomic changes compel businesses to promptly react to new market conditions, while changing consumer demands often require restructuring of business strategies.

Highly qualified specialists of Beterra are working in close cooperation with each other and our clients in order to stay abreast of current needs of the industry. We can help to adequately estimate a company’s potential for the purposes of further business decisions leading to new opportunities, as well as to evaluate risks that our clients are facing. We have extensive experience in drawing up business plans and financial models, as well as performing asset appraisal.

We will be glad to share with you our knowledge of Russian market specifics in order to achieve performance efficiency at all stages of production and marketing, as well as assessment and mitigation of risks associated with your business.

Key Experts

Anna Zasimova

Audit and related services
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Dmitry Sherstobitov

Practice Supervisor
Legal services
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Elena Dmitrieva

Practice Supervisor
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Over 25 best companies of this industry use our services
Our clients are among TOP-3 players in the Russian beer market
Our clients' share of the market for rectified ethyl alcohol exceeds 60%
Our clients service over 1100000 customers on a daily basis in their restaurant chains in Russiasia
Our clients are among TOP-3 dairy products manufacturers in the Moscow market
Business cases
Support services for financing of a meat-and-dairy plant construction project
Support services for financing of a meat-and-dairy plant construction project

Our specialists provided comprehensive support services in conjunction with financing of a meat-and-dairy plant construction project consisting of a 3,600-head milking herd, animal feed facility, milk processing facility with 80 tons/day capacity and manure processing and utilization facility.

Drawing up business plans and developing financial models for meat and dairy projects
Drawing up business plans and developing financial models for meat and dairy projects

Our specialists built a financial model and drew up a business plan  for several meat and dairy projects: pig farm of 108 thou pigs a year capacity, cattle farm with 3,000-head herd, integrated whole-milk dairy plant of 100 tons of milk per shift capacity, meat processing plant of 30 tons of meat per day capacity, animal feed plant of 15 tons per hour capacity with 40,000 tons storage capacity, biogas power station of 3.4 Mega Watts capacity. 

Drawing up business plan and developing financial model for meat-and-dairy integrated plant
Drawing up business plan and developing financial model for meat-and-dairy integrated plant

Our specialists drew up a business plan and built a financial model for a meat-and-dairy integrated plant project consisting of 22,000-head milking herd, fodder base and animal fodder plant of 10 tons per hour capacity, as well for upgrading and reconstruction of two cheese manufacturing plants and a dairy plant.

Increase of authorized capital of a large manufacturing company
Increase of authorized capital of a large manufacturing company

Within the framework of comprehensive legal support of a project related to the increase of authorized capital of a Russian agricultural products manufacturer, our team performed legal expert review of foundation documents and documents of title with a view to their compliance with newly adopted legislation and legislative requirements for increase of authorized capital by way of additional contributions by shareholders. 

In the process of the legal expert review, our specialists also assisted the company with developing and registering a new version of its Articles of Association compliant with requirements of the current legislation, as well as with preparing and convening a general meeting of shareholders and putting together a complete package of documents required for registration of the increase in authorized capital with tax bodies.  

Our Services

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