

Modern hi-tech world and innovation-based economy pose more and more challenges for companies that require unique, complex and flexible solutions. We strive to provide support to our clients at all stages of responding to challenges and resolving issues - from formulating objectives to implementing solutions and monitoring results.

Our approach is to activate growth potential of the company on the basis of a deep retrospective analysis and understanding of its strategic goals. We aim at a sustainable effect in a long-term perspective and endeavor to provide support not only at the initial stage of planning and modeling but also at the implementation nd closing stages of any project. Our international team usually works in close collaboration with the client's specialists ensuring efficient feedback on all corporate levels.

Cost consulting of business

Seeing their company's growth, the owners often face the need to formulate a long-term development strategy. There are instances, for example, when the owner sees that the company development vector does not fit the current vision of the situation, or the company has a complex business structure with subsidiaries that have conflicting interests. The company may also need new break-through products and markets. In any of such situations, there is a need for assistance from qualified specialists who can adapt the existing strategy to account for ongoing changes and work out a full-fledged development strategy for the entire company or its subsidiaries.

  • Consulting on development strategy issues
  • Financial modeling, developing, expert analysis and monitoring of investment projects
  • Monitoring implementation of long-term projects
  • Developing a system of consolidated cost indices for mid-term and long-term planning
Capital transactions (Due Diligence)

Our approach to capital transaction support includes consideration of key issues involved in identification of existing and potential risks that have impact on investors' decision to purchase a company, as well as on the price and conditions of purchase.

We also take into account financial, tax and legal aspects of the deal and assist our client in negotiations and preparation of transaction documents. Our services are always client tailored and we take into account all specifics of the client business and particular objectives of the deal.

Our services include:

  • Comprehensive financial, tax and legal analysis for the buyer
  • Comprehensive financial, tax and legal analysis for the seller
  • Identification of risks that have impact on the investment decision and value of the target business, including analysis of affiliated party transactions and identification of potentially questionable transactions
  • We also provide services related to counteragent integrity check and identification of potential fraud risks (for more details see Forensic section)
Valuation services
Fast changing market conditions compel businesses to be more dynamic and react quickly to external challenges. The promptness and correctness of decisions taken by the owner set the business development tempo and enable the owner to resolve successfully any issues his business faces. The very existence of business often depends on how quick and correct the owner's actions are.
  • Valuation of immovable property
  • Valuation of movable property
  • Valuation of asset portfolios
  • Business valuation
  • Valuation for IFRS purposes
  • Valuation of intangible assets
  • Valuation of investment projects / investment consulting
  • Financial modeling
Forensic investigation is an independent investigation that combines knowledge and experience of audit, valuation, legal and judicial procedures, as well as management psychology and IT-support.

We apply the best global practices based on International and Russian law, including:

  • United Kingdom Bribery Act
  • US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,
  • RF laws: "On Anti-Corruption Enforcement" and "Concerning the Counteraction of the Legitimization (Laundering) of the Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism".

Forensic service line includes the following services:

  • financial and economic analysis
  • expert economic analysis and valuation
  • expert tax analysis
  • technological and price audit, analysis of investment plans and financial models
  • corporate intelligence and fact finding
  • forensic inquiry, assistance and representation within the framework of litigation, including international legal disputes
  • mediation in dispute settlements
Внутренний контроль и комплаенс
Операционная эффективность
Внутренний аудит
Key Experts

Elena Dmitrieva

Practice Supervisor
Profile email
11 employees hold international certificates: ASA, EECO, CCIM, CPM, MRICS, REV(TEGoVA)
We provide consulting and audit services to the largest hotel network of the world
10 топ
We are in the top 10 companies in the field of technical and price audit and investment appraisal
9 место
9th place in the ranking of business potential (RAEX, 2018)
3 место
3rd position as to RAEX 2019 in the field of financial consulting
Business cases
Audit of investment project related to construction of a shopping mall
Audit of investment project related to construction of a shopping mall

Our company's specialists performed financial and technical audit of an investment project dealing with the construction of a shopping mall in the vicinity of Pulkovo airport (St. Petersburg). The following works were performed within the framework of the project:

  • evaluation of the current shopping mall utilization concept with account of competitive environment;
  • analysis of shopping mall management efficiency, including, in particular; accounting and cash flow management;
  • drafting a shopping mall development concept;
  • building a financial model for the project.
Developing financial model for implementation of a venture product
Developing financial model for implementation of a venture product

We developed a financial model for the implementation of a "business jet" venture product of a company doing business in the U.S. 

Our support in the capacity of a financial consultant enabled the company to attract financing required for the commercial launching of the product.

Support for projects related to building residential waste processing facilities
Support for projects related to building residential waste processing facilities

We have been engaged as financial consultants to provide support to projects related to building residential waste processing facilities in the territory of Ryazanskaya and Kostromskaya regions of Russia, as well as Sakhalin and Khabarovsk.

Our specialists are in the process of developing a financial model for such facilities and supporting the procedure of obtaining funds from the Far East Development Fund and the investment branch of Sberbank of Russia.


Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.

Warren Buffett

Remember There’s No Such Thing As An Unrealistic Goal – Just Unrealistic Time Frames.

Donald Trump

If you keep your eye on the profit, you’re going to skimp on the product. But if you focus on making really great products, then the profits will follow.

Steve Jobs

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