

Executive Management of Beterra is making the following Statement to confirm that the auditors in the course of each audit assignment comply with Federal Law, "On Confronting Corrupt Practices", No. 273-FZ, dated 25.12.2008, as well as other regulatory developments aimed at combating corruption.

The anti-corrupt principles and procedures of the internal control system are implemented through the internal governing documents in effect in the Firm.

The owners, Executive Management and all employees of Beterra understand and comprehend the importance of the audit trade in fighting corruption practices and state their readiness to undertake all respective measures aimed at achieving and attaining the goals and tasks as may be set forth by the Russian anti-corruption legislation and interstate treaties, acting in strict compliance with the key principles of auditor's ethics established through the Auditor’s Ethics Code.

Our commitment to the Independence Policy of Beterra developed based on the legislation on audit is a firm guarantee of our compliance with the present Statement.

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